Annabelle Feeding Her Puppies

Below is an excellent video of Annabelle feeding her litter of 12 puppies. What an incredible mother! The puppies are nearly 8 weeks old. However, Annabelle remains patient as all 12, plus one from another litter, strive to obtain access. The average litter size for all breeds of domestic dog is 5.5 puppies. However, the […]

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Puppies Galore- A Nighttime Litter Evaluation

Litter evaluations are best when puppies are approximately 7.5 weeks of age. However, with a packed schedule we couldn’t visit during the day. No problem. We evaluated the puppies at night, which ended up much better, as they were much more active during the cool evening temperatures than during the daytime heat. We started at […]

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Dog and Litter Evaluation Services

Finding a dog that is an optimal match for your household and lifestyle is a key to maximizing the joy of your pet-owning experience. Fortunately, CPT has terrific dog and litter evaluation services that boost the probability that the dog or puppy you select will be the ideal dog for you and your family. For […]

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Selecting the Right Dog- Part 3: Evaluating Breeder and Shelter Facilities

If you feel comfortable that the breeder is professional, honest, and passionate, that the sire and dam are high quality animals, and that the sales contract is equitable, then proceed by setting an appointment to visit the breeder facility. While there, you will investigate the environment, the parents, and the litter.
Similarly, before you visit a shelter or rescue agency you wish to know something of their reputation, policies, mission, and customer service and you wish to review their sales/adoption contract. Your community will likely contain a number of shelters and rescue agencies that have dogs available for adoption. Therefore, exercise due diligence to ensure that you are comfortable with a specific organization before you visit. Moreover, when you visit complete a similar inspection to that described below for a breeder facility.

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