Elizabeth Resolves Her Dogs’ On-Leash Reactivity

Elizabeth- Cooper and Lilly-Resolving On-Leash Reactivity

Elizabeth came to CPT concerned about her Goldendoodles, Cooper and Lilly. She had difficulty walking them together on-leash because of their reactivity (barking and lunging) whenever they saw another dog. In addition, Cooper frequently began guarding access to Lilly when unfamiliar dogs approached Lilly at the dog park. Consequently, Elizabeth stopped taking her dogs to the dog park and became wary when walking them on-leash.

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Success in Addressing Leash Walking Reactivity

Leash Walking Reactivity- Remi, Luckie, and Blue

Remi brought Ngoni and Luckie to the CPT Sandy Springs Training Center to address on-leash reactivity when they observed unfamiliar dogs. In one lesson, we conditioned the dogs to a reward marker, conditioned them to the Gentle Leader, taught them how to walk on a loose leash while wearing the Gentle Leader, taught them to become more attentive to Remi and less to the environment, and then separated them so that they could work individually amidst a volunteer dog.

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Addressing On-Leash Dog-Dog Reactivity

Lola-German Shepherd- Addressing On-Leash Reactivity- Behavior Modification- CPt- Comprehensive Pet Therapy

Lola was mostly neglected by her initial owner, who agreed to re-home Lola to someone who would provide Lola more quality time. When Maureen rescued Lola at l-year of age, Lola exhibited reactive behavior on-leash when meeting unfamiliar people or dogs. Maureen had difficulty walking or socializing Lola, due to Lola’s vigorous pulling, barking, and lunging.

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