Rocky: The Story of a CPT Dog Training Success

Board Train- CPT Dog Training- Eugene Oregon

CPT’s in-home private lesson and board train programs can address many types of dog training issues and goals, including housebreaking, household manners, basic pet obedience, advanced off-leash pet obedience, and behavior modification.  Moreover, each client’s plan is customized.  Therefore, we focus on the issues most relevant to each dog and paramount to each dog owner.  The following is a story of one of CPT’s many thousands of dog training successes.

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Keeper: The Story of a CPT Board Train

Board Train- CPT Dog Training- Eugene Oregon

Moreover, because CPT hires highly educated, experienced, and accomplished staff and uses the most advanced, scientific dog training methodologies, Keeper’s board train was able to satisfy Rochelle’s objectives.  Furthermore, since CPT’s board train program occurs at a trainer home, not a kennel, we can more realistically and effectively teach housebreaking, household manners, and applied obedience behaviors.

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