(541) 200-0895

In-Home Private Instruction

In-Home Private Instruction

We encourage In-Home Private Lessons for those whose pet is too nervous, aggressive, or energetic for a group class situation, for solving household or behavioral problems, for persons who desire a customized lesson plan, for persons who desire an accelerated lesson plan, for those who prefer a more flexible schedule than we can provide in group class, or for individuals who prefer the intimacy or convenience of one-on-one instruction. We also provide Remote Private Instruction for those who wish to address problems or achieve obedience or behavioral goals at multiple venues, including veterinary clinics, dog parks, indoor locations, or diverse outdoor rural, suburban, or urban areas.

  • All obedience levels: Puppy, Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced/Off-leash, Competition!
  • Household manners problems: Housebreaking, Chewing, Barking, Jumping, Digging, Raiding trash, Stealing food, Stealing objects, Bolting, Getting on the furniture, Cat chasing, Car behavior, and more!
  • Special privates for behavior modification: Timidness, General Anxiety, State anxiety, Separation anxiety, Phobias, Depression, Obsessive-compulsive behavior, Dominance, Dog-dog aggression, Dog-human aggression, Hyperactivity, Refractory housebreaking, Behavior amidst children, and other behavioral and psychological issues!

$100 per hour lesson-by-lesson, with a $100 per hour travel charge for the time required for the trainer to arrive at your residence.* By appointment. The travel time for most areas of Atlanta is between 10 to 25 minutes, provided the appointment is scheduled during a low to moderate traffic period.

$740 for a discounted 8-hour package of lessons plus travel. The package provides a $60 discount versus purchasing the same quantity of instruction lesson-by-lesson.

$160 per hour lesson-by-lesson, with a $160 per hour travel charge for the time required to arrive at your residence.* By appointment.

  • CPT Head Trainers are more educated, experienced, and accomplished than CPT Staff Trainers. Consequently, Head Trainers are highly recommended for:
    • Behavior modification lessons, especially those focusing on aggression, anxiety, or complex housebreaking problems,
    • Refractory dogs or issues, where insufficient progress was achieved with prior trainers or programs,
    • Accelerated lesson plans, where clients have a rapid timeline for goal accomplishment,
    • High-level competition lesson plans, especially where people wish high scores or have goals to compete at the AKC Open or Utility levels or in Schutzhund USA competitions,
    • Scent detection lesson plans, including tracking, trailing, and scent discrimination,
    • Puppy or dog consultations and evaluations, including pre-adoption or pre-purchase consultations to help determine the specifications for a dog that ideally matches a person or household, pre-adoption or pre-purchase evaluations of individual dogs, and service dog evaluations, or
    • Clients desiring more demanding or detailed instruction.

CPT Head Trainer accomplishments include competing nationally, winning a prestigious Regional competition, functioning as “Pet Expert” on the local NBC news, qualifying as an expert witness in animal behavior in multiple courts of law, co-authoring noteworthy research in the field of canine neuroscience, speaking at major conferences, appearing internationally in the PBS “Nova” series and the Nat Geo-Wild series “Puppy Days”, and being interviewed for a CBS “60 Minutes” segment on canine behavior.

Please note that although Head Trainer prices are higher than those indicated for Staff Trainers, with the issues and circumstances listed above, Head Trainer instruction will often result in lower overall expenses and superior overall value, as Head Trainers are more likely to achieve goal level outcomes and to require fewer meetings and less time to achieve desired outcomes.

*In-Home or Remote private lessons occurring at a distance greater than 20 miles from the trainer’s residence and the CPT Sandy Springs Training Center may incur travel charges both to/from the destination location.

“In-Home lessons helped us to housebreak Rocky. Group Class helped us to expand Rocky’s obedience skills, and socialize him around people and dogs. And when we go on vacation we take advantage of CPT’s outstanding Boarding Training program, CPT’s programs have made Rocky a superb pet. Definitely sign up your dog!”
-Eleanor & Wayne McCormack and Rocky.

Call us today to enroll: (404) 282-6012 or email: markcpt@aol.com