Keeper: The Story of a CPT Board Train

Board Train- CPT Dog Training- Eugene Oregon

Moreover, because CPT hires highly educated, experienced, and accomplished staff and uses the most advanced, scientific dog training methodologies, Keeper’s board train was able to satisfy Rochelle’s objectives.  Furthermore, since CPT’s board train program occurs at a trainer home, not a kennel, we can more realistically and effectively teach housebreaking, household manners, and applied obedience behaviors.

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CPT Expert Witness Services Prove Vital in Two Recent Cases

CPT’s Mark Spivak is an experienced and talented expert witness in criminal and civil legal cases that involve animal behavior, animal training, animal handling, or animal husbandry practices. Mark represents either the plaintiff or defense. His one rule before accepting an assignment is that he must have passion for the case and for the attainment […]

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