Congratulations! You graduated from Beginner Obedience. Now let’s cement prior skills and teach new exercises. Highly recommended for all dogs.
CPT Trainer Patricia King conducting an Intermediate Obedience Class. Notice the excellent dog performances and handler capabilities while executing the distance sit, stay, and front commands. Great job Patricia! Great job class!
CPT Trainer Mark Spivak working with his personal dog Marlo, a 17-month old German Shepherd Dog. In this video, Mark demonstrates Marlo’s off-leash heeling skills. Notice Marlo’s attention, speed, and enthusiasm!
CPT Trainer Mark Spivak working with his personal dog Marlo, a 17-month old German Shepherd Dog. In this video, Mark and Marlo demonstrate the stand command. Stand is highly practical for grooming, toweling, and veterinary examinations. We introduce stand during CPT’s Intermediate Obedience class.
CPT Trainer Mark Spivak working with his personal dog Marlo, a 17-month old German Shepherd Dog. In this video, Mark and Marlo demonstrate the go out and sit. The distance sit is introduced during Intermediate Obedience class. Whereas, the go out is an advanced Utility-level Competition Obedience exercise. Here Mark chains the exercises. An adapted version of the go out is highly practical for sending your dog to a specific spot. The distance sit is highly practical for overall control and safety.
CPT Trainer Mark Spivak working with his personal dog Marlo, a 17-month old German Shepherd Dog. In this video, Mark and Marlo demonstrate the front command. Front is a combination of come and sit. The command is highly practical for control and safety. Notice Marlo’s speed, enthusiasm, and precision!
CPT Trainer Karen Smalley working with her personal dog Casey, a 10-year old Border Collie. Casey achieved his AKC Utility (U.D.) title with three first place finishes. In this video, Karen and Casey demonstrate various pet obedience, competition obedience, and agility exercises. Notice Casey’s attitude, attention, speed, and precision!
* All CPT Courses require pre-registration. Payments to CPT are non-refundable. CPT closes classes to further registration after 12 dogs enroll.