Tips For Introducing Dogs

Introducing dogs to one another while they are on their leashes can still be potentially hazardous. Dogs that are well socialized and friendly typically react differently when faced with the space restrictions and added frustration that leashes sometimes cause, especially when greeting an unfamiliar dog.

In a perfect world all dogs would be capable of being introduced to each other in a calm state of mind, and without the limitation of a leash.  Unfortunately the gap between the perfect world and reality can be vast at times, so let’s go over some tips for a successful on-leash meet and greet with two dogs.

  • Control the approach carefully. Making a great impression is key and showing that your dog wants to respectfully approach another is ideal.  The acknowledgment starts well before the dogs actually meet each other, so be sure to approach either in a heel or a loose leash walk.
  • Having a tight leash will only add tension and stress to the interaction, so keep some slack in both leashes.  Do your best to follow your dog around so that the slack will remain in the leashes. This method is much easier to perform when you have cooperation from the other dog owner.
  • Stay in motion throughout the greeting. Dogs move around when they greet, the smell here, they smell there, and they approach from different angles.  Tension is shown by signs of stiffness and stillness, which can lead to a possible fight in dogs so even if it’s just motion in a small area, continue moving.  The motion will also help to dissipate stress, and in order to keep slack in those leashes; you will have to be moving.
  • Keep it one on one. Keeping the leashes from getting tangled up is hard enough with two dogs, when you add another dog or two it becomes extremely difficult.
  • Simply use your head. Just because you see another dog on your walk or at the park, it doesn’t mean you are obligated to stop and introduce the dogs to each other.  This is especially the case for a dog that is already lunging and barking on sight of another dog.  If you get the feeling that the introduction is not going to go well, and then avoid doing it.

If you are interested in learning more tips and common practices for safe canine interactions, then contact one of our professional dog trainers at CPT Training today. We offer comprehensive lessons that cater to each specific dog, whether it be from a beginner level to an advanced level of training.