Would you like you and your cat to lead a happier, healthier life together? CPT performs in-home private cat training lessons for pet owners burdened by:
Many cat owners do not realize that training and/or behavior modification can improve or extinguish many of the above referenced dilemmas. On some occasions, the inclusion of psychotropic medication will further assist the behavior modification process on site. In such a case, we will work closely with your veterinarian to make sure the program design is both safe and successful. Ultimately, our goal is to provide both you and your cat a higher quality of life.
Since cat lessons are generally complex and behavioral in scope, they require the services of a CPT Head Trainer. Head Trainer rates for in-home private lessons are $150 per hour, with a $150 per hour travel charge assessed for the time required for the trainer to arrive at your residence.
The travel time is typically between 10 to 35 minutes for most areas of Atlanta, provided your appointment is scheduled during a low to moderate traffic period. However, in-home lessons occurring at a distance greater than 20 miles from the trainer’s residence and the CPT Sandy Springs Training Center may incur travel charges both to/from the destination location.
For an excellent example of how CPT's cat behavior modification program benefits clients, read the story of "CPT's Cat Behavior Modification Program Brings Harmony to Oliver and Kitty."