BBC Film Crew Visits CPT

The Emory-CPT Neuroscience Team is achieving global recognition.  On September 15, 2013, the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) flew a production crew to Atlanta to film live MRIs at Emory and training sessions at CPT. The crew also interviewed CPT President Mark Spivak and Emory professor Greg Berns, the co-founders of “The Dog Project,” the world’s first research group to obtain successful MRIs of awake and non-restrained animals.

The BBC crew shot over 6 hours of film that they will edit to a 5 to 8-minute segment within an upcoming episode of BBC2’s documentary “Inside Animal Minds.”  The show will then be re-edited for distribution in the USA.

The BBC 2 broadcast is planned for January 28, 2014.  However, the broadcast is exclusive to the United Kingdom.  BBC2 is not streamed to the United States.

The USA version will appear as a 3-part episode on Nova broadcast on PBS.  The parts will air on Wednesday April 9, 16, and 23, with the episode on dogs planned for April 16, 2014 at 9 pm

Mark Spivak, President of CPT, enjoyed the BBC film crew.  “The BBC film crew was extremely pleasant and professional.  The crew took some wonderful video while also thoroughly covering the scientific aspects of our project.  I look forward to viewing what should be a very high quality documentary.  Moreover, I am thrilled that our work is achieving worldwide recognition.”

For more information, please contact CPT by email ( or by phone (404-236-2150).