Beginner Agility Graduation

Beginner Agility teaches dogs to confidently and competently navigate the sanctioned agility obstacles, including:

• single, double, and triple bar jumps,

• panel jumps,

• winged and wingless jumps,

• broad jumps,

• the tire jump,

• the open tunnel,

• the closed tunnel (chute),

• the pause table,

• the a-frame,

• the dog walk,

• the teeter, and

• weave poles.

Typically, we do not include multiple obstacle courses until midway into the Intermediate level.  However, we had a prodigious collection of human and canine students during a recent Beginner Agility graduation.  Therefore, we examined the dogs’ progress by testing them amidst an Intermediate course that included the a-frame, tunnel, and bar jumps.  Here are a few of the videos:


Henry shows nice speed and enthusiasm as for the first time Alicia navigates Henry through a multiple obstacle course.


Nikos was a little distracted at times, but finished the most revolutions before missing an obstacle.  He was fairly tired after going around the course 8 times.  Yet, a tired dog is a happy dog and a tired agility dog is even happier.


Alex and Angie weren’t fast, but they were precise.  Angie completed 5 revolutions around the course before making an error.


Kim Friese and her Boxer, Ginger, were faster than Alex and Angie, but not as reliable.  They only completed one revolution.  However, they looked good while they were on-course.


Lisa Tallant and her Vizsla, Joni, were both very graceful.  Joni had nice speed and flew over the jump with awesome  height.  However, then she went off-course.


Bill Keener and his Lagotto Romagnolo, Mico, love agility!  They enrolled in Intermediate Agility so that they can eventually compete for titles and have a lot of fun along the way.


If you and your dog are interested in exploring the CPT Agility Program, please contact the CPT office by phone at 404-236-2150.  CPT offers both group and private agility lessons.  Private agility has no prerequisite, whereas group participation requires reliable off-leash obedience, graduation from Beginner Obedience or an equivalent (Intermediate preferred), and an amicable temperament amidst unfamiliar people and dogs.

Enroll in CPT Agility!!  Your dog will thank you!!


(Sandy Springs, GA)