The Festivals and Music of Montreal

Montreal is a happening city during the summer months.  Festivals abound that feature street entertainers, comedians, hypnotists, and live bands every night of the week.  Moreover, the entertainers are highly talented and the music covers multiple genres.  We saw jazz, reggae, rock, African, and disco bands that excited packed outdoor crowds on outstanding stages that featured phenomenal sound, excellent views, and incredible lighting.  And the best part is that the majority of the shows are FREE!

We hope you enjoy the following videos so that you can share in some of our magnificent Montreal experiences.  We especially enjoyed the amazing Boogie Wonder Band, who brought us back to the 70s with great sounding music that featured guitars, bass, drums, congas, horns, piano, and dancers.  No matter what hit song they covered The Boogie Wonder Band sounded at least as good if not better than the original musicians.

Just for Laughs- The Hypnotist

Montreal’s world famous Juste pour Rire (Just for Laughs) Festival is a 2-week extravaganza that features famous and yet to be famous comedians, hypnotists, street performers, musical acts, and thespians.  In this video, hypnotist  Stephane Dumais puts a woman to sleep and then awakens her on the Place de la Famille stage, which adjoined Montreal’s Museum of Contemporary Art.  Although the conversation is in French, there is enough going on that even Anglophones will get a laugh.



Festivals International Nuits d’Afrique

Festival International Nuits d’ Afrique is a major 11-day multicultural music event that features artists and music from Latin America, the Carribbean, and Africa.  The following videos contain some rhythms from Meiway & le Zo Gang, the final night headliners.  As you can see, they rocked the standing room only crowd adjoining the large outdoor stage.





Just for Laughs- The Boogie Wonder Band

The Boogie Wonder Band headlined as the closing act for the 2-week festival.  The outdoor stage was huge.  The light show was tremendous.   And the packed outdoor crowd of thousands of Quebecers and tourists reveled, danced, sang, and smiled as The Boogie Wonder Band covered Kool & the Gang’s “Hollywood Swinging.”



The Boogie Wonder Band covers The Emotions’ “The Best of My Love.”



The Boogie Wonder Band covers The Bee Gees “Night Fever” from the unforgettable classic movie “Saturday Night Fever.”



(Montreal, Quebec, Canada)